

Which perspective can be used to understand different aspects of negotiation?











All of the above perspectives can be used to understand different aspects of negotiation.


To most people the words "bargaining" and "negotiation" are(1.0分)

A、mutually exclusive.


C、not related.


E、None of the above.


Which is not a characteristic of a negotiation or bargaining situation?(1.0分)

A、conflict between parties

B、two or more parties involved

C、an established set of rules

D、a voluntary process

E、None of the above is a characteristic of a negotiation.


Tangible factors(1.0分)

A、include the price and terms of agreement.

B、are psychological motivations that influence the negotiations.

C、include the need to look good in negotiations.

D、cannot be measured in quantifiable terms.

E、None of the above statements describe tangible factors.


Which of the following is not an intangible factor in a negotiation?(1.0分)

A、the need to look good

B、final agreed price on a contract

C、the desire to book more business

D、fear of setting a precedent

E、All of the above are intangible factors.


Distributive bargaining strategies(1.0分)

A、are the most efficient negotiating strategies to use.

B、are used in all interdependent relationships.

C、are useful in maintaining long term relationships.

D、can cause negotiators to ignore what the parties have in common.

E、None of the above describes distributive bargaining strategies.


The target point is the(1.0分)

A、point at which a negotiator would like to conclude negotiations.

B、negotiator's bottom line.

C、first offer a negotiator quotes to his opponent.

D、initial price set by the seller.

E、None of the above describes the target point.


Starting points(1.0分)

A、are usually contained in the opening statements each negotiator makes.

B、are usually learned or inferred as negotiations get under way.

C、are not known to the other party.

D、are given up as concessions are made.

E、None of the above describes starting points.


The objective of both parties in distributive bargaining is to obtain as much of which of the following as possible?(1.0分)

A、bargaining range

B、resistance point

C、target point

D、bargaining mix

E、None of the above.


The resistance point is established by the ____________ expected from a particular outcome, which is in turn the product of the ____________ and ____________ of an outcome.(1.0分)

A、cost, value, worth

B、value, worth, cost

C、value, cost and timeliness

D、cost, importance, value

E、None of the above.


11Negotiation situations have fundamentally the same characteristics,(1.0分)

12A zero-sum situation is a situation in which individuals are so linked together that there is a positive correlation between their goal attainments.(1.0分)

13It is possible to ignore intangibles, because they affect our judgment about what is fair, or right, or appropriate in the resolution of the tangibles.(1.0分)

14The resistance point is the point at which a negotiator would like to conclude negotiations.(1.0分)

15A negative bargaining range occurs when the buyer's resistance point is above the seller's.(1.0分)